Thursday, July 25, 2013

This I Did For You...?

This I did for you to tell to carry your own daily crosses. Without cross NO Heaven. If I should leave Heaven to do this on Earth, that is to tell you how good it is. Speak the truth everywhere & every condition you find yourself with Love. Forgive one another with Love. Humble youself before Me. I am the Teacher of Teachers. I am t he way, the truth, the Life. I am, all & all. This information is for everybody born of a woman, nor exception. Don't be deceived. Anybody who preaches against the Cross is against Me. He or She is Anti me, Anti Christ. I followed this way to save you, we must follow same route back Home. Teachings on Prosperity Without labour is not from Me. I Love you My dear Children. Do my will in all things My Children, if you do you will be Truly happy. The happiness that the world cannot give. This is a sign of Blessing & deliverance to you.
REMEMBER GETHSEMANE HOUR TONIGHT ..........................

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